Friday, June 10, 2011

You are what you eat.....

I am a sinner. Yes, a sinner saved by God's grace. I am not perfect. I am probably the biggest sinner I know. Wait, I am the biggest sinner I know. And He loves me anyway. He promises that He has already paid in full for the portion that will be served to me at any given time. It's like I have been handed a prepaid, all inclusive, ticket to one of the greatest feasts known to mankind. Every delicious treat and tasty morsel I could imagine is laid out before me. I know that my stomach is only so big. But I certainly don't want to let any of these treats go untasted. After all they were prepared especially for this occasion. I just seem to forget that I don't have to consume it all or let it consume me. God provides what I need. I am the one who chooses to devour more than necessary. I find myself overwhelmed with what is at the other end of the table or better yet what is on the menu for tomorrow. There is this urge to keep going until I have tasted it all. I lack the ability to wait. And I think that if I know in advance I might be able to stretch my stomach to devour it all. If only I could have that crystal ball to look ahead and see what is brewing for tomorrow. How crazy is that mentality of thinking? I can't even handle all the stuff I piled on today's plate. So, I get sick and overwhelmed. My inability to digest the excess stuff just causes discomfort and pain.

God said He would never gives us more than we could handle. I am gluttonous. I make the decision to over do it. No one forces me into it. But the beauty in God's grace is this, He will be there help me digest. He stretches out His mighty hand to lead me to a place that is healthy. He allows me to sit humbly, with a stomach ache, at His feet. And He feeds me a portion of His healing word.

You know the saying, "You are what you eat." Those five words are packed with truth. Physically speaking I need food for energy. It is my fuel. I sometimes choose to pick through the "bad for you" foods and eat the "healthy" stuff. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Yep, I am what I eat! So, it is becoming more and more evident to me that I need to partake in God's word, His daily bread. This world will crush me with all the fast food and garbage that is promoted as "delicious and nutritious". It isn't just what I consume by mouth. It is also what I allow to penetrate my thoughts. Mind, Body and Spirit. I watch t.v. shows that I think are ridiculous. There is absolutely no substance to that 30-60 minute time frame. The hard cold reality is that those are wasted minutes that I will never get back. I should have spent that time seeking to be filled with the good stuff. There are plenty of mind building and edifying things I could have chosen watch and/or read. I just have to make the effort to do the right thing. With the Spirit indwelling in me, every thought, and every deed is in His view. The Holy Spirit knows me. He knows my strengths and my weaknesses. That fact of the matter is that He knows me better than I know me. So how much greater my "diet" would be if I could just keep my focus on His daily provision.

Tomorrow will be here soon enough. And I know that God will give me a fresh fill of His amazing grace. I am not always sure what I am going to do with this grace. But I do know that, today, I will attempted to do my very best with the portion He has handed me.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

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