Saturday, April 11, 2015

I've Got No Strings on Me

We have all heard the saying, "It's time to cut the umbilical chord" It often pertains to that time in our children's lives when we need to set them free.  Release them into the jungle of this world and let them fight for themselves.  As difficult as that may sound it's a hard fact.  I know that it certainly isn't easy.  It's actually been quite painful at times.  The hurts and frustrations and sometimes the decisions that our adult children face can cause great heartache. When they do things that are outside of their "character" I, as a parent, have found myself saying, on more than one occasion, "that is not how I raised them".  I wonder how often God thinks, "That's not how I created them".

According to Genesis 1:27 we were all created in God's image.  Yes, God formed us in His perfect image!  He was incredibly thoughtful in the process.  Even before we were formed He had an intimate relationship with each of us. (Jeremiah 1:5) He formed us and wove us together in our mother's womb (Psalm 139: 13).  Even the very hairs on our head are counted ( Luke 12:7) God had to cut the umbilical chord for us too.  In this case we call it God giving us free will.

We have been given the freedom to make our own choices in this life. God is not a puppeteer.   And the last time I checked it was clear that "I've got no strings on me".   He allows us to take the paths we want.  I have walked in pure darkness and I have also taken a bit of my journey feeling very lost and confused.  I am thankful for one of the unlimited promises God has given us.  He promises that He will faithfully provide a way out of the muck and the mire (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Funny how we tend to forget that He, the God of our children, has allowed us to be a parent to each of them.  Just because we give birth or inherited them doesn't mean we are the ones holding the strings.  They are on loan.  Precious gifts that were given to us parents to prepare for this world. We carry them, raise them, praise them, guide them and pray for them daily throughout the years.  But when it comes time to release them into the world, on their own, that seems to be the most challenging.  Often I see my children walking in darkness or heading down a path the I wouldn't choose for them to go.  And I want to lift the paddles with the strings attached to their legs and move them into a different direction. I try to persuade them to go a another way.  My way!  But the strings have been cut.  And I am left sitting in a tangled ball of string due to my failed attempt to manipulate their adult decisions.

As I sit there attempting to unravel the mess I see in my hands I begin to pray for clarity.  God has a bigger plan.  And He already sees the beauty in each of my heirs.  He knows the outcome.  Just like me, my children need to experience things on their own.  Some of them willingly listen to my advice.  And some of them "listen" but do their own thing. Many times they go through the fire and come out refined. Sometimes their "thing" backfires and they come running for advice.  My heart leaps for joy when they ask for my opinion.  It is then that I realize that I had to take my own path in my life.  It was necessary for me to exercise my free will to do the not so wise things only to be better prepared to help guide my children through their moments. And that is when I am remind God's faithfulness.

Life is a process.  And each one of us ultimately gets to our "home".  Some choose to stay within the parameters of how they were "raised".  While others go a completely different direction.  I would love to see my children every Sunday sitting at church right beside me.  I would be thrilled to know that they were getting "fed" the right stuff.  But they are string-less now. I know that by the grace of God's they will hear His words that have been written on their hearts.  And one day each one of them will find their way.  I continue to pray for them daily.  And often find myself praying for them multiple times throughout each day.  I can smile because I am blessed by five wonderful, independent, free willed, adult children who are learning daily.  

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