Sorry for the delay this week. We just spent our final weekend at the chateau. God has some pretty spectacular plans.
Nine weeks! Wow, Can you believe it has been nine weeks of us taking this faith journey, discovering God's crazy love for us, together? I am so blessed to know that I am doing this with each of you. I am not sure about you but I am finding myself reflecting on what it means to be loved by God. And also what is means to follow Jesus and call myself a Christian. How and does my life reflect that I am a follower of Christ? Am I honestly willing to "drop my net" and faithfully seek God's perfect will in my life. And do I trust in His provision?
Nine weeks! Wow, Can you believe it has been nine weeks of us taking this faith journey, discovering God's crazy love for us, together? I am so blessed to know that I am doing this with each of you. I am not sure about you but I am finding myself reflecting on what it means to be loved by God. And also what is means to follow Jesus and call myself a Christian. How and does my life reflect that I am a follower of Christ? Am I honestly willing to "drop my net" and faithfully seek God's perfect will in my life. And do I trust in His provision?
There are a lot of people out the there who have the wrong idea of Christians. Most people you ask will tell you that Christians think they are perfect. And that we Christians think we have got it all together. And I must admit that over the years I have come across a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ that seem quite judgmental (myself included). Instead of showing God's amazing grace, we are too busy striking the rock with our staff (Numbers 20:11). And as a result, instead of drawing people closer to our relentless God, we push them in another direction. We don't step back and realize that this is not what God means by fearing Him. God wants us to show mercy and grace.
My life is the furthest thing from perfect. I tend to forget that I am supposed to be slow to anger, quick to listen, and slow to speak. Often I revert back to my selfishness and think, " It's my way or the highway." I am a follower in the making. I can fully relate to the Apostle Paul when he wrote to the Philippians," Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on." Even though I mess up in the delivery my ultimate goal is that I want everyone to know how crazy God is about them.
God uses imperfect people to do extraordinary things. I have encountered so many of these extraordinary people. Some of them family members and some friends. And even a stranger. For many years I worked in the wellness field. And during that time I met a chiropractor who, in my eyes, exemplified what it means to "drop your net". I had seen him, at the church I had attended, a few times. And would watch him take notes in his black binder every week. It was as if he was in a class room. He gathered his notes week after week. And a few months later I went to a seminar for work in Princeton NJ. And guess who was the lead speaker? The guy who took notes at church. And after the first session it became evident to me why he was always taking those notes. This man dropped his net and found the most eloquent way of telling people about the Fruit of the Spirit. There were little poster boards around the room with each fruit listed. And here is the kicker. The room was filled with non-believers that were captivated by his teachings. This disciple didn't strike a rock. He spoke God's word with love and passion. I remember coming home after that weekend and telling my husband that I felt like I was at a Christian conference and not a work seminar. I had gone to his office a few times. And blessed to say I went to a few more of these seminars. One thing I could honestly say he was consistent in his delivery. And his message was always clear. Integrity and love. God gave him a message, in the form of a rotator cuff injury, and said, "drop your net and follow me. I have great plans." And that's just what he did. As a direct result of his obedience many people, in the wellness industry, are learning to show an agape love to a broken world.
Like I said earlier I have seen many people in my life "drop their nets". Some have even picked them up again out of fear or derailed faith. Old habits are hard to break. Even though we have the knowledge that God's will is perfect, and when in His will things turn out perfectly, we often hold on to the comfort of the here and now. Imagine if you knew exactly what He had planned for your future. And he handed you a guide that laid out, in detail, exactly what, where, and when his will would look like. Scary. Yep, just plain horrifying. If He gave me the story of my life, in advance, I might not have stepped out of my room. I probably would have been a hermit. God faithfully lays out His plan. And gives me a heart to follow. It's my faith that determines whether or not I am going in this direction or that direction. I pray that as I seek Him first that my faith will keep me pressing on.
I often wonder who is watching me from a distance. And would my walk make them trip up? When God says, "Kathleen, drop your net and follow me!" Do I run in another direction? Or do I stand there and play stupid. "Huh?!?, Are you talking to me? I am sure you meant someone else. You must be mistaking me for someone more faithful." God's has a purpose for each of us. And one day I will no longer be here. What legacy will I leave? Will my children remember me as a faithful follower? Or will they think of me as a derailed woman? I hope they remember me as a woman who loved and trusted in God's plan. And one who dropped her net and followed Him out of obedience.
I pray that as we press on this week that our faith will be made stronger. And that God will continue to be our first priority. May you feel His crazy love for you in a crazy amazing way.
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