Recently I felt as if the Lord was leading me to read through the bible from beginning to end. For a few weeks I prayed and delayed. I had attempted to do this before and found that half way through Exodus I lost that willingness to read. This time I prayed it would be different. I began to read and seek prayerfully Genesis and next Exodus and today I am almost through the Chronicles.

Each chapter of the Bible has given me a greater perspective of who I am in Him.In Genesis my story began. I was created in His image. Exodus, what a journey. Even as His chosen one, at times, manna just wasn't good enough. My selfish and gluttonous heart was revealed. Leviticus was full of His unconditional love. I discovered His desire to wipe away my debt in the Year of Jubilee! I laugh when I think about how I complained as I read through the book of Numbers. I would say, "Lord, who on this planet likes this book?" And then one night He directed me to that one individual. It was 2 am. I was wide awake and feeling drawn to the sofa downstairs. So, I grabbed my Kindle and went down stairs to continue the journey through Numbers. Only to realize that my Kindle need a charge. So I grabbed a bible off the shelf and opened it up to numbers. And much to my surprise there were notes written on the pages. I began to cry and smile at the same time. Of course, Joseph Mallon, he would be that person I had been asking God about. So I sat there and continued reading Numbers. And by the the end of Numbers I was able to see the importance. Every intricate detail that He has laid out before us. I am blessed by God's faithfulness to care for His people. What I though as not important clearly became relevant. And this is where my attitude got adjusted. Deuteronomy is where God's gives the law. Ten commandments that were laid out as guidelines. I saw clearly how I truly need a Savior. I think I have broken each one of those ten laws a time or two. In Joshua He gave incite on conflict and victory. I marched around plenty of Jericho's prayerfully waiting for the wall to come tumbling down. In Judges He had me reflecting on my own disobedient heart. Increased unfaithfulness forcing me to realize that my iniquities require discipline. Then, through Ruth, He opened my eyes to His grace in the midst of evil. And Samuel 1 and 2 made it clear that even the chosen aren't perfect. Then Kings 1 and 2 allowed me to see how His sovereign grace is manifested. And I began to understand His blessings when I am faithful. And here I am this morning searching through 1 and 2 Chronicles. I know that God has great plans for this generation. His love for His people is overwhelming and free. Once again I reflect on 2 Chronicles 7:14, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land." As I continue to seek who I am, in the image of God, I am thankful for His word. I pray that I will humbly seek Him as my journey continues.
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