Maybe I am a little delayed in actually putting my resolutions into play. Here we are Saturday morning May 24. Only 143 days into 2014 and I am feeling like today is the day. We all begin to ponder about what our "New Year's Resolutions" will be every year in December. And I, like most, drop the resolution ball before the end of January.
I am the queen of excuses. I have one for every minute of the day and most are very selfish. The past few months have been packed with family issues, job issues, life issues and me issues. Yep, issue after issue after issue. With all these issues it's hard to get anything done. Anyone who knows me knows that I can relate to and at times be a total Martha. Tending to all the issues and forgetting about why I resolve to do the things I do. I started this year off with really good intentions. I wanted to be more concentrated, single-hearted and a wistful listener. My goal was to be a little less absorbed and less preoccupied with things. I just wanted to serve without distraction. I developed a plan so that I would have intimate quiet time with the One who calls me His own. My plan would allocate time to seek His face every morning and every minute of the day. I would walk upright and would make choices that would propel me in my walk. It all looked good on paper and sounded easy when I said it out loud. But, remember those issues, they became my stumbling blocks. And I sure did trip over them daily.
The past few weeks I have been reflecting on 2 Chronicles 7:14."If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land." God knows my heart and He knows how wayward I can be. He is perfect and wants nothing more than my love. He calls my name. Sometimes it's a soft whisper and others a thunderous roar. He calls me His precious child. And when I humble myself and and choose to meet all of God's conditions in 2 Chronicles 7:14 there will be a great revival.
The dictionary defines revival as an improvement in the condition or strength of something; an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again. I believe that I have been called according to God's purpose. As one of His people I need to gather together with others and turn this joint upside down. I may even need to flip a few tables in the process. The world around around me seems to be inaugurating itself into the hearts and minds of this generation. Often, I find myself surrendering to the unprincipled ways of society. Walking around like a zombie or worldly programmed robot. I have become complacent in my daily life forgetting that I was made to be different. I have become a member of an arrogant generation people. Everyone is out for themselves and there is the sense of entitlement. When did I stop humbling myself? I think about how great it is when I put others before me. The blessing is two fold. The recipient is overwhelmed with joy and I in turn am blessed by the joy given. Therefore, if I humble myself I will have taken the first step in this revivalation revolution resolution.
What next? How do I continue on this path? When I stand before the world and pass judgement, calling myself a follower of Christ, how do those who don't know Him now see Him? Our God is the definition of love. And I am supposed to be a reflection of this great love. It is not my place to negatively pass judgement on how another person lives. I need to clean my house before picking up the trash in my neighbors yard. I am commanded to love and respect my neighbor. I don't recall anywhere in the sixth through tenth commandments God stating that I should judge my neighbor and tell them He doesn't want people like them in His kingdom. James 4:12 reminds me that God is the judge and lawgiver. "There is only one lawgiver and judge, He who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" I am made aware that prayer is the next condition of a revival. I must humbly seek Him and pray. My prayer is that God would continue to open my heart to do His will and not my own. That I would become a reflection of His love and grace.
Throughout scripture there are many passages on seeking God. And the results of seeking Him are pretty amazing. When I seek God He is there. Even when I am not seeking He is still there. Imagine that you are in a room. You are too absorbed with reading, texting, facebooking etc. to even notice that your Dad is in the room with you. He is sitting on the chair patiently waiting for you to notice that he is there longing to have a conversation with you. He just wants to see your face. This is how God is. Always there waiting and wanting us to seek Him. I believe the word seek appears 368 times in the bible. Zephaniah 2:3, Psalm 27:8, 1 Chronicles 16:11, and Deuteronomy 4:29 are just a few. When I seek God my journey seems easier and my "issues" become much lighter.
As I continue seeking God's conditions for a revivalation revolution in my own heart I read once again in 2 Chronicles 7: 14 that I must turn from MY wicked ways. A few weeks ago one of my pastor shared a story that made me think about my own sin nature. John Lavendar, author of "Why Prayers are Unanswered", shared a story about a pastor named Norman Vincent Peale. When Peale was a boy, he found a big cigar and slipped into an alley to smoke it. It didn't taste good, but it made him feel grown up...until he saw his father coming. He quickly put the cigar behind his back and tried to act casual. Desperate to divert his father's attention, Norman pointed to a billboard advertising a circus. "Can I go, dad? Please, let's go when it comes to town." His father's reply taught Norman a lesson he never forgot " Son" he answered quietly but firmly, "never make a petition while at the same time trying to hide a smoldering disobedience." I am totally guilty of trying to divert God's attention to my sin. I do a great job hiding my smoldering disobedience to the world around me. However, He will gently and firmly remind me that He knows my heart and my every move. Nothing is hidden from His eye. I can no longer seek justification for my poor choices. No more excuses for my sins. I need to deal decisively and intentionally with my own sinful nature. Time to stop making light of my poor decisions by point at, what I believe to be, another persons grander sins than my own. In God's eye sin is sin. He won't compare mine to another's.
Now, today is the day! God promises that when I humble myself, pray, seek and relinquish my selfishness and incorrigible behavior, He will forgive and heal the land. My request is this.....if you have read this entry and care to see a revival in this land that you would join with me by praying for our country, our future generations and the generation at hand. I know that if we all search our own hearts and have a desire to seek God's will He will bless each of us and revive this land.
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