Friday, April 15, 2011

To gracefully walk with His yoke upon me.

 “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it." Isaiah 30

  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”Matthew11: 28-30

I often think about how God tells us that His yoke is easy.  Recently I learned that farmers use the yokes to harness their cattle together to work, easing the load for each beast.  And often they will have the younger cattle paired with the older more experienced cattle.  The thought process is to establish the pace.  The older cattle knows how to please the farmer.  And as the newer, less refined beast attempts to fall behind or push faster ahead, the more experienced and mature cattle pulls forward or pulls back.  God sent His son to show us, that if we stopped trying so hard to please the world, He has so much more to offer.  Our God is gentle and humble.  I am being refined. Still learning to be still. There are days when Jesus is gently pushing me ahead because I am too weak, burdened and or weary to move at the best pace.  And often He is pulling me back because I have become so distracted with the tasks ahead of me that I neglect to see clearly the task at hand.  And then there are moments in my life that I find I am walking with easy. Gracefully strolling along being together with my Savior and feeling that I too am pleasing God.     

 I wish I could honestly say that I totally get the single-minded pursuit of the Lord.  But, I can't tell you that.  At least not at this very minute. I know that I am not the only person who has pleaded with God for an extra second, minute, hour, day , week, month or better yet a year.  If I only had that extra time.....blahh blahh blah blah blahhhhh.  He IS God!!!  He knew what was needed.  This is why I only have 24hrs in a day. I am just a very poor manager of my time.

  I know in my heart that He needs to be the every in every second.  But the world has distracted me. My senses become dull and it becomes harder and harder to hear His still, small voice.  I wake up every morning thinking today is the day. I pray for my husband, each of the kids, my family, friends and all those I am about to encounter.  I say to myself. " I am going to keep my eyes focused on Him".  Then the alarm goes off.  Time to get the lunches made.  Who wants coffee?  Hurry up we are running behind.  Where is my phone?  Has anyone seen my little brown purse?  Come on lets go lets go......Breathe.......Ahhh.  Drop Christian off at school.  And now, after all that, I devote a few extra minutes to Him. I pray that He will direct my day.  I pull up to the office.  Who left all the lights on?  Open the door.  Phone is ringing.  Computers are down.  And I am swimming in a sea of distractions.

There is a burden on my heart.  I faintly hear Him whisper my name.  And I am drawn to His feet.  The day has come to an end.  I know that even in the midst of all the distractions His yoke was upon me.  It was God who carried me through each trial of the day.  And, this is when I am thankful for the blessing of only 24hrs in a day.  I need rest.  And He comforts my heart with His precious words.  Tomorrow is a new day.  And as morning comes so will  His fresh fill of grace. I close my eyes and rest in His amazing love.  I imagine what it will be like to live a day in that single-minded pursuit of my Lord. And I have faith that one day I will be refined enough to label distractions and gracefully walk with His yoke upon me.

You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you.

 ~St. Augustine of Hippo

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